Tuesday 16 September 2014

Hungarian Stage 3


  1. hi im Jaume and the answer is the founders of the nation of hungary and the center column is the archangel gabriel

  2. hi we are Berni and sergi and the answer is the founders of the hungary nations and the center column is the archangel Gabriel

  3. Hello! We are Alba Sapena and Laura Reig
    The answers are:
    1. Museum of Fine Arts
    2. Arcanger Gabriel
    3. Tube line 1
    4. 47°30′58″N 19°04′35″E

  4. Hello, we are Pablo Morant and Carlos Pedro
    1-.Museum of Fine Arts of Budapest
    2-.Arcangel Gabriel
    3-.Tube line 1
    4-.47º 30' 58" N 19º 04' 35"

  5. Hi, we are Mireia Tent, Gemma Muñoz and Esther Sapena
    The answers are:
    - Museum of Fine Arts
    - The Achangel Gabriel is the centre column and arround its founders
    - Tube line 1
    - 47°30′58″N 19°04′35″E

  6. Hello! I'm Silviu! The answers are:
    1. The museums in this square are the Museum of Fine Arts (Szépművészeti Múzeum) and the Palace of Art (Műcsarnok).
    2. We can see a statue of the archangel Gabriel.
    3. Its name is Line 1.
    4. 47°30′58″N 19°04′35″E

  7. Mittelschule Gochsheim
    Stage 3:
    1.) Der Platz heißt Heldenplatz.
    2.) Kunsthalle Műcsarnok
    3.) Millenniumsdenkmal (|ungarisch: Millenniumi emlékmű)
    4.) Budapesti Városi Vasút, abgekürzt BVV
    5.) 47° 30′ 55″ N, 19° 4′ 41″ O

    Gelöst von Simon und Fabio
