Wednesday 4 February 2015

GPS.COMENIUS – Stage 10 (Hungary)


  1. Hi! We are Laura Reig, Alba Sapena and Jose David Melenchón from Spain
    - The town is Fertöd Vasút
    - The birds are Havasi partfutó, Pajzsos cankók, Sárszalonka, Fiatal barázdabillegető, Bíbic and Pajzsos cankó.
    - The name of the lake is Fertö
    - The name of the national park is Fertö-Hanság
    - The owners of the place was the Esterházy Family
    - The composer is Joseph Haydn

  2. Hi, we are Pablo Morant and Carlos Pedro. The answers were:
    4-.egret , heron , spoonbill, Goose , Red-breasted , the bald eagle and the hawk creeping.

  3. Hi! We are Jaume Gavilá and Berndardo Frau
    The town is Fertöd Vasút
    The birds are Havasi partfutó, Pajzsos cankók, Sárszalonka, Fiatal barázdabillegető, Bíbic and Pajzsos cankó.
    The name of the lake is Fertö
    The name of the national park is Fertö-Hanság
    The owners of the place was the Esterházy Family
    The composer is Joseph Haydn

  4. Hi! I'm Silviu from Romania.

    1. The town is Fertöd Vasút.
    2. The birds are Havasi partfutó, Pajzsos cankók, Sárszalonka, Fiatal barázdabillegető, Bíbic and Pajzsos cankó.
    3. The name of the lake is Fertö.
    4. The name of the national park is Fertö-Hanság.
    5. The owners of the place was the Esterházy Family.
    6. The composer is Joseph Haydn.
